
Minecraft skin stealer and viewer
Minecraft skin stealer and viewer

minecraft skin stealer and viewer

He had a terrible nights sleep, and cursed the many beds that didn't come to assist his plight. Some say h e once went to a party where they forced him to sleep on the cold, icy floor, bedless and bitchless. No one really knows what sparked his interest in beds. No doubt, this was tough emotionally and physically draining, slowly lowering him deeper and deeper into the depths of insanity. Little is known of his teenage years, although it is said that he spent his time learning self-control with buddhist monks, attending a school of witchcraft and wizardry by the name of HagWarts and searching for a fish by the name of 'Nemo'.

minecraft skin stealer and viewer

Following this, he was thrown out onto the dark streets to fend for himself, by stealing petty things like money and food. Until one day he found the courage to ask for more broth.

minecraft skin stealer and viewer

Born in the British town of Londinius, outcast and alone, he lived in an orphanage. Yet, where did s uch a fine specimen of a demi-god/jedi/hitler start their days? This is his tale. In the days of old, there were rumours of one so great, so mighty and so mysterious. Mwa-ha! Although originally he shared the same account as Olirulz_747, he now has his own account as The_BedStealer. He has many similarities to the user Olirulz_747 but he is obviously not the same, he is the Bed Stealer. The Bed Stealer is a super villain who first showed up in Episode 408 - The Bed Stealer Arrives. "Puny mortal, bow to me-where are you going?" - The Bed Stealer The BedStealerīeds, beds, beds, cheese possibly?, beds, beds, cats, sheep, red, white, and mostly beds.

Minecraft skin stealer and viewer